Dennis Friedberg, Germany
Rolando Akron (OH), US
Melissa Green Bay (WI), US
Jaudith Akron (OH), US
Jessica Alpharetta (GA), US
Lee Green Bay (WI), US
Darren St. Louis (MO), US
Frank Neuwied, Germany
Christina St. Louis (MO), US
Asuka Tokyo, Japan

We’re showing what’s possible
at the intersection of great
business strategy and
profound care for people.

Better work. Better lives.Better world.

Our commitment to taking care of the people who make our business possible tops our list of company’s values. It’s the same commitment you’ll experience if you partner with our industrial equipment and engineering companies to bring your products to the people who use them every day, you engage with our leadership institute to help you build great culture and develop leaders, or you simply connect with us to explore our ideas on people-centered leadership. It’s how we’re building a better world.

We measure success by the way we touch the lives of others.Bob Chapman, Chairman & CEO
Insight from Bob Chapman and Barry-Wehmiller's leadership journey
From Forbes Your Employees Are Somebody's Precious Child What is great leadership? Bob Chapman has been pursuing this question as the CEO and Chairman of Barry-Wehmiller, an industrial manufacturing conglomerate headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, that was founded in 1885.